Friday, July 15, 2011

Why do Greeks think they have nothing left to offer to the greedy bankers?

Since the beginning of this economy crisis, the elites/ bankers always pointed to the Islands in the south as a great way to get out of debt, they want your land and Islands; but obviously their bigger goals is to bring Germany and France to their knees when you try to default.....this is a chapter of the International bankers and greedy politicians creating misery for millions. What has to be done: are 4 things 1) Screw the Euro the Drachma was king 2) Default on their stupid bankers debt 3) is FOLLOW MALAYSIA, in 1997 the Asian crisis prompt Malaysia to start printing money that is pegged to Gold, 4) The last stimulus $100 billion euros to be used when the first 3 steps are done, because the International bankers would want to place embargos for defaulting the only method that would be left for survival and trading will be bartering. Those are the best solutions, I dont know what else can be done. But Do Not Sell your Land/ Islands

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