Thursday, July 21, 2011
Christians: why do so many of you treat the shroud of Turin?
As a Christian, I was always skeptical of the shroud of Turin. I thought it was a fake before all the scientific testing - the testing only confirmed what I already believed about it.
What do you think of the opening paragraphs of my story?
I really liked this, actually. I think the girl, Bonnie, is dead and she's remembering or trying to remember her mother and her life before she died. That's just my guess, though. I feel like some stuff had too many commas, especially in the first couple descriptive sentences, but I like the eerie vibe this has and the mysterious yet not horribly confusing direction this is going in
Is the fan shroud my issue?
okay i have a 78 model 350 and i put a 4core radiator in it the other day and drove it with straight water in it and it ran about 180-190 degrees but i added a fan shroud and a gallon of anti freeze and some stop leak because it has a small leak well now the truck is getting warm and im not sure if its from the pellets in the stop leak or the shroud. thanks
Do you support Khap Panchayat?
Khap panchayat governs the khap formed by same gotra ( clan) families from several neighbouring villages.Khap panchayats are prevalent in Haryana,western Uttar Pradesh and Parts of Rajasthan.Love marriages are considered taboo in areas governed by Khap panchayats.Those living in a Khap are not allowed to marry in the same gotra or even in any gotra from the same village.Many young couples have been killed in the past defying khap rules.
Hello! I just wrote song, please, can you tell me does it have mistake? Because I'm not good in English!!!!!!?
Sounds pretty good to me, make sure if you are going to sing it, that you copyright it first, thats a masterpiece, you don't want it to get stolen.
What is your take on this quote ?
I was trapped under water once - same thought occurred to me. I'm ok right now, but it would probably be a good idea to figure out how to get out of here.
In movie can i change language with create a new track its possible?
i have movie in chines, english, france i am from india i wan convert manually can it possibe with any software....
Why do people say atheism is a phase with teens?
because in teen age most are atheists. A teen do not know about god and religion and goes by viewed proofs only
Is evolution a Bear faced lie or a Whale of a tale?
It is hard for me to understand why that one first little germ made itself into a tree, grass, bird, human, dog, cat and so on. Couldn't it make up it's mind? When I look out the window and see our big tree outside I wonder how it is that we came from the same parent cells???
Help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church became powerful. This is because after the fall of Rome, Western Europe had no established governments. During this period, the Church is the only thing that held Europe together. The time period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of established countries is called the "Middle Ages" because it is in the middle of these two time periods.
Why is mental abuse towards men so taboo?women have so many help lines, men 0 we need help to?
I agree. My husband was the victim of abuse too. He was like a beat dog with his tail between his legs when I met him. Poor guy. My suggestion to you would be to call a few of the 'help lines' listed for women and ask about programs for men. You may be pleasantly surprised. Good Luck to you.
POLL: Out of these two true stories my Grandfather told me what is the most interesting?
ive heard stories like the first one so to me the second one is more interesting...but if they were drunk they could have just been seeing things...
Is an aquamarine engagement ring tacky?
I really like the aquamarine engagement rings that i've seen... but i'm wondering if they're kind of taboo? i guess. like should it be a diamond ring?
What are some offbeat things to do in France?
I'm going to France with my family and we are looking for suggestions on some less touristy places to go. A lot of us are really into science and history so things like caves, wildlife reserves, gem mining, ect. are right up our ally.
What do I do about this girl?
We are both in college, but have known each other since middle school. I've really always been attracted to her cuz we have so much in common. Lately within the past few months we have gotten to know each other even better through really long conversations when we are alone together, like traveling in a car, to the point where we realize we even have the same opinions on raising kids and a family. This obviously only increases my attraction. Now for the reason I haven't asked her on a date in all these long years. She has been with an abusive jerk for the past 4 years and has just within the past couple days been able to say shes done with it. Our mutual friends, who seem to all know of my attraction, tell me to take it slow and be there for her until she's ready. When we are around mutual friends she seems to be a little hesitant to talk to me directly, and when she does say something, usually in response to something I said, it kinda comes of as a little strange (to everyone else, I think its kinda cute). I'm interested for sure, but she is just shrouded in mystery, the biggest attraction of all, Im just not sure how to handle this. Ladies and possibly men with this experience, what should I do?
The Love in my Mind...please comment on my poem...?
I believe we have all had such dreams, I liked the poem but I wonder at you leaving words in Greek throughout, it takes from the poem .... I WISH that I could learn a foreign language and be half way fluent in it I suppose with repetition I might.
Is 13 to young to get a book published?
its great that you want to publish a book, you should go to the library and get the guide to literary agents book, because you need an agent to sell your book. or you can submit directly to publishers, but its more diffucult that way, but you can still try. good luck
1994 taurus cranks wont start?
Check the fuel pump shutoff switch (usually in the trunk) and test/replace the relay. Check the EEC fuse to make sure it hasn't blown again. You might have have a short somewhere that killed the EEC, so you probably wouldn't have any fuel or spark (you can check the spark to confirm this theory). It could be some small frayed wire somewhere causing this. Hope you can figure it out.
Can my dad take me away from my mom?
Im 14 years old. I used to live with my dad but two years ago things went down hill. I got very depressed and started cutting myself because he would abuse me emtionally by calling me worthless and saying i ruined his family and etc. Its a long story but long story short i hate going there. I get very depressed and anxsious when im there. When i lived there i would have symptoms of Post dramatic stress. Such as feeling numb to the world and sleep paralysis. :( So i moved to my moms last summer but my dad hasnt failed to keep harrassing me when i visit him. But im healing and found pure love in horses. My mom is very open with me and im never scared of her. We always come to peaceful conclusions and have been very happy living here. But when i was little my dad tricked my mom into giving him custody for safety reasons. He promised to give it back if i ever wanted to go back. But he didnt. After a year of threatning him with a court date he gave my mom partial custody and i came to live here where i horseback ride and am starting to live my dream. But my dad hates us and he believes i should be locked up in the house. I even told him all the cutting and running away i did with him was because i was depressed and wanted help. But even then the cops laughed in my face when they caught me running away. My dad acts nice on the outside but when we are home its hell. And now i have been at my moms for a year and ive been losing weight, getting healthy, making new friends, getting good grades, and even am taking honors classes, and my dad is still not happy. He wont leave me alone. I have been very upset with him because the way he threw me out of the house multiple times this year on my visits. So i have grown numb to him but he said that when he returns from france on the 7th he is coming to take me away from my mom. I plan to hide far away in the woods and not let him find me. Or put up a very big fight. Can he just come and take me out of my home like that? Is it even legal? He is my moms landlord. So its complicated. But dont i have rights? If he suceeds in taking me. He will never let me go back. And i really dont want to go back to that depression and numb feeling. I havent cut myself all year and i dont want to again? What can i do? He is coming to get me the 7th and my mom is taking him to court but in the meantime what can i do?
Whats Up With Modern Day Poetry Smiting Romanticism?
People don't overlook poems with romantic elements - Seamus Heaney's 'Blackberry Picking' is very romantic in style. However, Romanticism is generally understood as a movement, as the first poets to write poems in 'the language really used by men' (Wordsworth) and to consider everyday events or sights suitable matter for poetry. To do so was revolutionary at the time, and could only happen for the first time once; thus, Romanticism is considered a period as much as it is a style, and so caught in the past. But romantic influences are visible in almost all poetry since, even modernist poetry which reacts against it. To be honest, I wouldn't call your poem romantic. Romantic poems tend to use relatively simply language and syntax, and never wrote in blank verse.
I'm a 40yr old man dating a 22yr old woman...?
I'm a 40yr old man with a 22yr old girlfriend whom I absolutely love and adore. When i first met her i thought her age to be in the late 20's. She thought my age to be in late 20's to early 30's, due to being blessed with good genes. So basically when we are out together in public we don't appear like an odd couple. Sure I look a bit older than her but not like a geezer out with his daughter. Anyway, my question is: I've been contemplating whether or not I should make the noble self sacrifice of setting her free so that maybe she might meet someone closer to her own age I assume most of her family and friends would frown upon our age differences and I don't want to cause her any strife or hardships. The biggest problem is I've never cared for another woman the way I do her. The last year we've spent together has been bliss. She says I'm her best friend, and honestly she's my best friend too. The chemistry between us is amazing. We've never argued or yelled at each other. We've had disagreements but I'd let her have her way on certain issues and she'd let me have mine on others. I could on about our compatibility, but bottom line we seem to be made for each other in every way except the obvious... our age difference. Would I marry her? Absolutely. Would the age difference be a potential problem in the future? Probably so. Which is why I don't know what to do. I hate to let the love of my life go because of social stigmas or taboo's. And the potential problems in the future don't hold sway because many couples of nearly the same age statistically only have a 50 percent chance of staying together. Hope I've provided enough background info. Any suggestions? And for all of the haters who love to spew nasty comments without regard or empathy I'll say in advance...F@#K YOU!
How did the jesus's face get on the shroud of turin?
also what is a shroud? all i could find is that its a cloth that covers someone's face but how did jesus's face get on the shroud of turin.
Pomeranian losing her fur?
My pomeranian is losing her hair not shedding it.She has these attacks where she bites then rips the hair off her skin.She has thin balding spots on her.on top of combing her twice a day she gets snarls as well.I put a shroud over her neck to avoid biting the skin.I was told to comb her skin with emu oil yet it's not working is there anything one could recommend? It's Saturday I'm taking her to the vets on Tuesday to have her looked at.Any advice appreciated....Thank you kindly.
Is this an authentic hadith?
who died memorized the Quran. never be separated from the ablution, each time off, he returned to the sacred ablution, never leave the congregational prayer 5 times.
Do you have a stereotypical family based on your ethnicity?
my parents dont like blacks because they resemble all of the features and qualities of a chimpazees. they loud, uneducated and eat kfc every monday night and complain about how overpriced they are. They're gangbanger material because they carry guns with them everywhere, rob stores pass midnight and frighten people at night with their skin color, you cant even see their face, only their teeth.
Worried that I might be a Pedophile?
Yea get some help. If those thoughts keep popping into ur head maybe u should pop something else in there.
Why did French people come to Australia?
So... I know heaps of people who claim to have French heritage, and I have no idea how, why and when their ancestors came here. Was there some kind of war in France or what? If all this French blood stuff is not true, why do so many Australians say they have French blood? Is it to sound more romantic or what? Please answer.
How can I make new friends?
;( im 19 years old female. and i have no girl friends. i mean i have acquaintance's that are girls but not a real true friend. ;( im not ugly at all, I am a really sweet girl. but i work full time and it hurts when i come home and have no one to talk to. My bf of over 2 years is gone for 2 months in i am really lonely. ;( i just don't understand why i have no one. When i see girls go out with their friends i look down and get depressed ..but i feel happy for them. please someone give me advice on where and how to make new friends ..please
Flight to Paris: Air Canada, Air France or WestJet?
There's not much difference if you're flying economy class between Air Canada and Air France, I would choose the one with the best price and most convenient schedule. All else being equal, flying Air France with mostly French flight attendants, food, etc., is a good way to "transition" to the French culture.
Catholics & Christians: What is your favorite Christian legend and why?
My favorite is our rhyme we announce to St. Anthony of Padua. It is said, that he takes things so that you pray to him. He is a great attention-seeker. "St. Anthony, St. Anthony, please come 'round. Something's lost and can't be found." Like magic, it shows up. Is it the House of Loreto, St. Helen's Churches, the Blessed Mother's Jersey, relics, the Shroud of Turin, Gifts of the Magi, the Incorruptibles, the bleeding Madonna, etc.???
My mother-in-law didn't send condolences when close relative died and mum sick and then stopped communication?
You cannot make someone care, it has to come from within them. From the sound of it she does not seem interested in your lives at all, not even from the time you were married. Focus on your own family and your side of the family. My in laws have never once asked me anything about myself or my family in 34 years, not once. Some people are just very self centered.
Is It Gay To Shave Your Armpits If You’re A Guy?
Is it considered gay for a man to shave his armpits? I quite frankly feel its a little taboo for a guy to shave anything aside from his face and/or head but that’s just me but it seems more and more men are shaving body hair these days look at mma fighters for example.
Atheists: How do you explain the shroud of turin?
It has the picture of Jesus on it and it has Jesus's blood which has been DNA tested and it was confirmed that he only had one birth parent. It was also carbon dated it it showed that it was made around the time of Jesus.
France has now confirmed: some NATO weapons have been found in the hands of al Qaida. What say you?
Apparently you don't know how many nations there are in NATO, but it must be easy for you to assume that the US is the only nation with enough firearms to give away.
Anyone have advice on a threesome?
My wife and I are thinking of bringing her friend into the equation for her to be able to experiment with a girl. We are both open to the idea and the thought is entertaining. Her friend has been with girls before and would make her the ideal candidate as she has agereed she would like to have fun with my wife. Here's my dilemma, my wife gets in the moment and likes kinky things during sex. When her hormones are highest she generally thinks more of how much she enjoys taboo. If she and her friend happen to follow through and it is agreed upon that it's for my viewing pleasure and I'm only to have involvement with my wife, if she tells me she wants to see me have sex with her friend or do anything at all with her, do I go with what she says or should I stick to the agreement seeing as how decisions during sex can be look at as repulsive afterwards? Yeah it's about meeting her satisfaction, but ultimately it's the strength of the relationship that matters most. We have already started small by role playing the situation where we each pretend to be someone else and her pretending I'm a girl going down on her and are both pleased with the outcome. I'm not looking to get in a night with her friend, it's all about my wife getting to experience another part of her wild side and it being together.
Should Nicolas Sarcozy face warcrimes charges?
France has disclosed that it supplied 40 tonnes of weapons to, and get this, Libyan confederates who have ethnically cleansed, a link between the consignment and the events on the ground?
Which is the best country to live in Europe?
I wanna have a secure job, peaceful life, free from (least possible) crime, ease of visiting other countries etc. I have shortlisted France, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Germany.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
How do I get my boyfriend to be more adventurous?
just tell him your getting bored and you want to try new things. Or just walk in to the room already dressed up and start the skit. believe me.. if the outfit is sexy and you wear it right he will join in very soon
Can you explain what these weird eyesight thing is that happens to me?
Right no one online can give you specific answer , you really need to go see a doctor to get it sorted, x
The Elder Srolls OBLIVION help!!?
You could buy a house and put your items in a chest. They won't go away as long as you own it. Or you could cast a spell from mysticism to lower your encumberment. Or finish the Dark brotherhood quests to get the horse and store items in it.
FFXIII - getting money?
After you beat the game, and come back to do the side quests, what is the fastest easiest way to get mass money so that I can do the weapon upgrades and buy shrouds, etc. As this game is not typical of other FF games in the currency requirements.
Where should I go for my Europe trip?
in london go to the wax museum and the tower of london. i've never been to any of the other cities but i know the eiffel tower is obviously a place to go. and the pantheon in rome.
Comment/critique some writing, please?
I really like this, I think you could get published eventually. Everything you asked was really nice. Tell me when it's released ;)
If i move to France, will my french eventually be perfect?
Ppl who move to the US at age 7 often still have foreign accents. Do your best, but most Americans (myself included) will still speak French w/ an American accent. You can still speak French well, even if you have an accent.
2003 F150 5.4l Fan Shroud Replacment?
I need a replacement fan shroud but cannot find one online for the 5.4l engine. All I can find are ones for the 4.6l engine, and while some sites say they are interchangeable, others say they are not. Any suggestions?
In magic the gathering does shroud counter things such as, first strike, double strike, and indestructible?
i use eldrazi monument and true conviction in my white deck and my friend has a way to give all his creatures shroud and every time i attack him he says that my attacking creatures lose all its abilities such as life link, double strike, and indestructible because his blocking creatures have shroud. dose shroud really protect against things like that since necessarily they are not being targeted
Thoughts on my poem???????????????
I like how articulate this is but its got a lot of potential to be misinterpreted. I missed the point on this one at first. I had to read it 3 or 4 times to understand. Thank you for giving an explination. I was very entertained once I read the meaning. You do sound somewhat pretentious and whiney. Almost like your sad in this one bud. Try keeping it simple so its not so loosly translated.
What do you do when you are in love with two girls?
>I understand - the fact is, love knows no boundaries. You can love many people all at the same time and not just two. But getting those two women to accept that fact may be difficult. That is where the challenge for you lies.
What do teen girls wear in France?
I am going to France soon (specifically Tours) and would like to know what 14-16 year old girls wear. I have heard that short shorts are a big no but just wanted to make sure.
Is it considered Taboo?
I have absolutely nothing against gays and lesbians, I actually don't get along with people that are homophobic. I'm just curious because I was watching the show taboo and they said that they consider relationship taboo (or whatever you call it, in love with objects and what not) to be a relationship where the couple can't produce children. So would people consider to be gay or lesbian taboo? That just doesn't seem right because it seems like a fairly common thing.
Why does cheating seem like the only way now?
every relationship nowadays one of the two ALWAYS cheats. why do people cheat so much now? it used to be taboo and it is still wrong but people seem to have accepted the fact that their significant other is cheating? it doesnt make any sense to me. if someone could PLEASE help me understand why cheating seems to be considered 'okay' in society. all the girls ALWAYS take the guy back and vice versa.
What is the "taboo" length of time after childbirth that it's socially forbidden to have sex?
I've never heard of a socially forbidden time to have sex following childbirth. Medically, yes. Socially, no. I would expect that socially, people expect you to do what is medically necessary, and then engage in the horizontal polka as often as you like.
How do you forgive yourself from doing something you regret in the past?
try affirmations and a regime of living in the moment - as long as you learned from your experience they were not mistakes.
Do I need a French Visa?
I'm a Filipino with a US and UK visa; I've read in the EA agreement that if you have a US visa you can travel around some Schengen states. I'm going to France for a 5 day tour, do I need another VISA for France?
When was Christianity introduced in france?
i need to do an essay on french culture and i need to write their beliefs. So when did Roman Christianity arrive in France? around which time?
Unknown expired bank card?
my partner has gone to France for work and taken his bank card, but when he got there and tried to pay for things he found out that his card has expired!! his bank hasnt even sent a new one out so we didnt even realise!! he is now stuck out there with no money could anyone please tell me if his bank would be able to do anything if he rings or if there is anything else he can do? his bank is Natwest!!
*10 POINTS* Can you give me ideas on what to say?
You are to imagine that they grew up in France in the mid-1700's, governed by an absolute monarchy. The only society they have known is one of unequals - noble and commoner; rich and poor. Then, you are to write a paragraph explaining how you think you might like to be governed now that you have learned of Rousseau's ideas.
Whic Country Is Nicer, Greece Or France?
Me and my cousin were having this argument yesterday. She says France, I say Greece. And Greece is deffinately more interesting!
Oxford Brookes or University of Kent?
I'm from the US, and I plan to study internationally. I want to live in france, so I thought it would be best if I studied in england first so I could get a feel for european culture. I want to study French and Art History, but I can't decide which University I would prefer to go to. University Of Kent in canterbury or Oxfrod Brookes in Oxford.
What would the World have been like if the Moors?
We would be 2 centuries more advanced scientifically and socially. The Christian church opposed anything they couldn't explain in terms of a god and were far less tolerant socially than Islam.
Can Jesus be cloned, what do you think?
if we find a DNA from Jesus captured on the shroud of turin, and clone it, do you think the clone will also be the son of god?
How much money would it take to travel to all these places?
That would depend on a lot of factors. Where you are willing to stay, what you plan on eating, whether or not you will have extra time on your hands in which case you could volunteer at some places in exchange for food or room and board, more money if you plan on getting souvenirs, etc. You will have to research these places individually to try to figure out about how much you will need for each seeing as some places will be more expensive than others. If you have friends throughout the US (or wherever) who would let you stay at their house, that is a good way to travel on a budget. I would also imagine buying tickets in advance and/or signing up for travel websites newsletters could help you get a better deal. I can tell you for sure that Sweden is very expensive and I'm pretty sure many other European countries are as well, so save save save. Greece isn't Expensive, also isn't cheap. It's an inbetweener, but right now their economy is actually down so now could be the best time to travel. You would have to plan out an entire itinerary to see where to start, where to stay, how to get from point A to point B, and everything inbetween before it's all over. Good luck.
Should there be a Siege Deck for Magic the Gathering?
How many times do we have to tell you, Your decks will never be made, they are way too over powered and do not fit the storyline. Please stop making these senseless cards.
What is the burqa ban in france?
i have a french project to do, i choose the burqa ban. i need to find out what it is, why it was put into place. the impact its having on the people, could it happen in the us, how does it relate to racial tension, and i need to get all this done by thursday. if i could get some info and maybe some sources i would be really grate-full
How can I launch a successful career as a fiction writer?
I experiment with many radical genre-bending forms. Super-heroics, crime noir, science fiction, horror. Almost Nothing is taboo.
Why are the books of the Bible shrouded in so much mystery?
Fictional works often contain a lot of mystery to enthrall and perhaps, in this case, to deceive readers.
I'm 17 and want to know if getting into bars and drinking in the UK and France will be a problem?
I think it may be a bit easier in France than the UK, it is customary to ask for ID for under 21 year olds in the UK.
How does Christianity address female orgasms?
I have never heard my pastor who is well versed in such things as witchcraft and Al Qaeda terrorism ever talk about female orgasms. He's talked taboo topics like underage sex and related it to the Scriptures but never something meaningful to me like an orgasm.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Is Mavericks vs. Heat fate, or pure coincidence?
Kudos, I actually laughed out loud to that. Seeing as how you've described it, I really don't want to disagree with you just because of how epic you made it sound. Seriously, go into writing or something. Haha. Yes, definitely fate. :P
What prompts decent beautiful girls to engage in prostitutuion?
Well my guess is prostitution is no longer viewed as a taboo in America!!!!,and it all boils down to just a girl and a guy making out!!!...for me this is wrong a girl's body is worth more than few sleazy bucks!!!,as for me anybody who engages in prostitution,is equivalent to the lowest thing on planet earth!!!
How do you know if Ray Ban's are real?
I found an old pair of Ray Ban sunglasses,but I don't know if they are real. They have �B&L RAY BAN Frame France written on one arm and on they other they say Folding WAYFARER�. they have the Ray Ban written on the sides. But they don't have it on the lens. It has a light BL on the lens. I just always wanted to know if they were real.
R&S: How do globalists feel now that the EU will dismantle any one of these days?
What the feck does this have to do with religion or spirituality? Take your stupid question to the section in which it belongs.
What's windows embedded ce 6.00?
I got this mini laptop from france, but nothing working on it. So i tried to install some games but no luck. Can any1 tell what to download for it?
Should I worry about having kids with my boyfriend...?
He and I have been together for almost a year now (in august) And the thing I want to ask is... this is really embarrassing btw, like I know no one knows who I am, but still... He likes me to call him daddy... yah. I mean he is like 3 years older than me, lol but he loves it! He like sends me the links to daddy and daughter porn through email, lol. We have shared lots of secrets with each other, one time ( months ago) he told me that one time he accidentally saw his little sister masturbating, and he got turned on. She is one year younger than me, and I got the impression he didn't think it was a big deal because they are not actually related. (they were both adopted) But still, to me its sort of weird since they have had a brother-sister relationship practically all there life. I asked him if it was because he is sexually attracted to her, or if it was just the taboo idea. He wasn't sure. =( I mean that was awhile ago, and before me and him really got into a deep relationship, before we started saying we loved each other, before we couldn't be apart for more than a day. And we haven't gone all the way... lol if that means anything, we just fooled around.. I'm not gonna get into the dirty details. =P We talk about the future from time to time, and he wants kids with me. He said three, lol I'm not sure if he said that because he knows thats my lucky number, haha but anyways... I mean I know that theres a difference between someone's sexual side and there morals. And I know he has good ones, but there is a small part of me thats not sure if he would ever think of our kids in a disgusting way. He is hard to read,trust me!! I love him to death, and I my sexual fetishes or whatever aren't so innocent either, lol and I know what turns me on necessarily isn't something that I would ever do for real, or have the desire to. What do you think? Do you think I am kinda freakking out for nothing?
Is it rude to ask price?
i think that was stupid. I would just find out prices by going home and looking them up online. He may have been defensive because I know for iphones, you can get a refurbished one for $50 if you work for AT&T or know someone who does.
Please help! What does this dream mean?
My best friend's dad died, and he was hit hard from it. About a week after I found out, I had this crazy dream where I was in a plain white painted room. We sat down in chairs (for some reason I clearly remember them being metal fold up chairs) in front of each other. I recall having a very in depth conversation with him, but I can't remember about what. It may sound stupid or silly, but it was like he was trying to get me to tell my friend something. Anyways, I periodically after that had dreams of me sitting in the office of my house. Everything around me was shrouded in a mist on the ground and I felt like the world was turning (this was in black and white). I turned around and looked throughand saw a man with the same stature as his father walk across the door. Although, it was very choppy and almost looked like a stop motion movie scene...
Is this an OK poem? It's my English Homework.?
It's amazing! No helpful criticism needed! You can really feel his despair and sorrow, and the language you use is very emotive and descriptive :)
My Interpretation of Fragment 1 of The Voice of the Silence?
Benny, I am not familiar with all the details Peter expresses, but from my point of view, this is a weighed up piece, your manifest is latent but apparent, the only thing to criticize is that it takes brains to understand the piece, and some do not have. HH is a wise counselor, Peter and Gene too. All the people that congratulate you, agree with you. The "twins" is a magical word that unifies two people. Magic composer, very nice piece. Bravo!
A French political Party is named Radical Socialists, but they are neither. How did they get that name,?
Politically it's similar to the US Democratic party,and one of their outstanding leaders and former Prime Minister,was Pierre Mendes France. He fought strongly to get France out of its colonies. Thanks for your answers
Hey what do you think of my poem?
I enjoyed this a great deal which is surprising given the topic. Suicide is far from my topic of choice. However, I like the style you have chosen and I like the repetition. I am especially fond of the reason you give for not being aware of what was about to happen and how he is in death saved from that very thing. Very witty. Oddly, I can't help but feel like I've read this before. Have you posted it in the past?
Poll : What do you think of these countries????????
they are all developed countries. and i believe this is the "top best countries"you get from the net. where's USA?lol
What to do - my parents only talked to me about sex once, when I was little, and nothing after?
Honey, you have to understand that you will ALWAYS be your parents little girl. I'm 16 right now and my parents NEVER spoke about sex with me. I learned on my own, from school and from friends. You need to understand that it's weird and awkward and they want to protect you. ( well, it's not weird between me and my parents) no need to get upset over it, if you already know about sex then you guys don't have to discuss about it.
I have a 1978 Ford F150 that has a modified 302 with a holley carb.and cobra?
valve covers .I inherited the truck 2 yrs. ago when my brother died.The emissions are giving me a bad time because that's not the way it came from the factory.The youngsters at the testing know nothing about mechanics and old school,not to mention modified.It's not easy trying to find an air cleaner shroud from 1978,besides the vent situation for the valve covers.I don't have $$$$ to change everything back to original.There never was a problem in the past that I know of.My brother was a mechanic for over 25 yrs.and I don't believe he would go around emissions.What do you think is the best result of the matter.It pasted last year with no problem.It past the equipment part.I'm going through this all over again this year.
What to to think of my husband who has a lipstick, panty and perfume fetish?
My guess is that your husband might be at a minimum bi curious or have bi fantasies. I have similar fetishes and I am very bi curious. I love to feminize and I get quite aroused when I do. So far, I have not cheated on my wife but the urges to try bi are getting stronger but I love my wife and I want to stay married to her.
Which barrel should I get?
I have the Tippmann Project Salvo. It has the shroud with four rails on the front and I am worried about getting a new barrel. Which ones will fit inside the shroud? I know I can take it off but I like it because I have a grip and flashlight on it. So, are there any barrels that will fit inside the shroud? Thanks...
Atheists, what are your thoughts about the Shroud of Turin?
The forger admitted his crime in what...theb 1400s? The blood is tempera paint. (It has been analyzed.) And the painted body is clearly stylized to match the art trends of the time and would not look that way if it was an actual impression of a real body. The shroud itself has been dated to the time of the forgery and NOT anywhere near the supposed existence of Jesus. Joe Nickel wrote about investigating this popular little hoax in depth. Perhaps you should check out his book.
A level: are English Language and Literature, Sociology, Politics, and Chemistry a good combination?
I eventually want to go and do a degree in a social science, probably Politics or Philosophy (or maybe a joint honours, I especially like LSE's Politics & Philosophy course). Would these be good A-levels for applying for this course, assuming that I get the grades? I did also consider A-level French, but considering there are language courses at LSE and I spent loads of time in France, it wouldn't be as necessary.
Can Jesus be cloned, what do you think?
if we find a DNA from Jesus captured on the shroud of turin, and clone it, do you think the clone will also be the son of god?
Monday, July 18, 2011
Is it true? "Good luck " is no longer good greeting.?
Both have good intensions. Its not a bad thing! And whoa--japanese show? Are u japanese? im half japanese! Thats cool!
What is the significances of bin Laden buried at sea?
Basically, does our Military take the body out to sea and just dump the body overboard? And, in what type of container or just in his shroud?
Now that Obama has released his long-form birth certificate, will Trump release his combover and reveal scalp?
Trump said he'll release his financial records if Obama releases his long-form birth-certificate. Lets hope he keeps his word as I'm interested to know how he bankrupted some of his companies, especially Trump Airlines.
Why are questions regarding Mitt Romney doing missionary work in France in lieu of military in Vietnam taboo?
The sensitivity is probably the way you asked it although I don't see any hint of anything wrong in this question. I'm not sure this would cover your actual question but those who know more about the Vietnam war know that France was involved in the war before we got into it. The other thing I have in mind was that when I think of people doing missionary work, I think they go to some third world country and build a well, plant farms and stuff like that and the only thing I can think of when doing "missionary" work in France / Germany is either trying to get people to convert to Mormonism or just being given busy work so they could claim to be a missionary. During that time there were some rather elaborate and some ridiculous tricks to dodge the draft. z
How old do you have to be to purchase a pocket knife in france?
I'm 17 and in Paris with my grandpa and I've heard a lot of rumors about muggers and pick pocketers here, I would like to buy one just in case something happens where I would need to use it.
Why is the annointed on Obama getting a free pass on talk shows and jokes are taboo?
jay Leno and Letterman are caustic concerning conservatives but give their comrade democrats a free pass then go and complain about FOX network being biased and wanting to limit free speech on radio talk shows. The main steam media has been in bed with Obama from the git go never giving him hard ball questions. He was never questioned about his association with Bill Ayers the Weatherunderground bomber or his preacher Jermiah Wright who hates America.
Taboo's relation to the Lambada?
Ok so I have always loved Lambada and the song "Llorando se fue. And JLO <3 and Don Omars version. I heard that "Taboo" ( don omars song) had some relation to the Lambada by like people didn't like sexual touching s that's why it's called Taboo.. Idk that's why m asking for some one to clear it up because I did t quite understand. Thank u in advance :)
Help with a "holiday romance" type situation?
definatly A) jjust dont make it sound like u like her to much cuz then she will feel presured cuz she has a bf girls like it when guys treat them right so write something cute but a little obviose that u like her something a little cheezy 2 :)
Whats the difference between the protestants and the Catholics?
Catholics like to eat Jesus as a biscuit, while protestants eat the biscuit because it reminds them of Jesus.
I have a loose radiator fan, what will I need to fix it?
The car is a 1988 Mercury Cougar V-6. I don't think its an electric fan, but anyway its very loose. I think i'll need to take the radiator out first, because I can't get the fan shroud off, the fan won't allow it. So I'll need to drain the fluid etc. I was just wondering if there was a temporary fix to tighten the fan. This car is my only transportation and I need to get to the nearest parts store. I would walk but I live no where near anything, so I can't. Please help!!!
Im so confused about my sexuality?
Ok let me start off by saying this, for 16 years of my life i was pretty much 100 percent sure that i was straight, i had probably thirty different crushes on girls over the years and one massive one that iv had for about 2 years. All my fantasies and dreams were always about girls (however i never reached orgasm in a wet dream i just got insanely horny and some stimulation but it never went on for long enough to get me to orgasm) and never once did i get a crush on a guy or have any early childhood same sex experiences. I had always taken kind of long to get off but i had just thought it was normal and a side effect of jerking off every day usually more than once, which had been going on since i was like 13. After i turned 16 in january we went on a ski trip and one of the days i remember i was in the shower trying to jerk off when i realized the fantasy i was having had a really big dick that was ******* this hot girl in my school, it freaked me out a little that i was aroused by a dick but i just blew it off and it soon got lost in my countless heterosexual fantasies. then about three months ago i was watching porn and was getting really turned on by this massive black penis that unleashed a massive load on this girl but again i blew it off as pretty normal. Then about a month ago i was in a macdonalds with a few of my friends and they were having this conversation about a girl that went from straight to lesbian and all of a sudden i was overcome with terrible circling thoughts that wouldn't leave my mind and ever since then iv stopped finding girls as attractive and have gone through such bad anxiety and depression my parents had to send me to a hospital. Their they identifyed what i had as OCD and they put me on zoloft. Ever since then the intensity has gone down but i still have these terrible and unacceptable thoughts and fantasies. Every time i get close to a cute girl i have an urge to hug and spoon her, especially the one iv had a crush on for 2 years. Despite this my sexual interest in female porn (especially lesbian which used to be my favorite) has declined and i need to watch weird or taboo things it seems like in order to get off fast like pregnant women, gay porn, or weird fetish things which all really freak me out. Especially the gay porn and i absolutely loath myself for getting pleasure out of it( the only part of the male body that i like tho is the penis, i do not find males faces or muscular bodies even remotely attractive). In movies and real life however i still find female attractive an males not so much, for some bizarre reason the clothed female body is more arousing to me than the naked female body. In the past i have also had instances of when i convince myself i have a terrible terminal illness, One time i had tingling in my elbows and hands for a week and a half so i flipped out and absolutely convinced myself I had MS. Once i found out that MS symptoms can be almost anything i suddenly started getting blurry vision and weird aches, tinglings and loss of sensation on various places around my body. Can someone please give me a hint to whats going on with me and if im turning gay, bi curious or just have a penis fetish?
Should there be a martial art deck for Magic the Gathering?
He's trolling, Timothy. He posts stupid broken "suggestion" decks very often. He must play yugioh to come up with that trash.
Feminists if we still live in a patriarchal society then why ...?
is violence against men / boys and humiliation of men and boys so widely accepted by society but violence and humiliation of women are seen as taboo? In the media violence against men is seen as comedic and deserved but violence against women is seen as evil . Also this video shows that humiliation and assault of a young boy is just seen as a mere prank by police a href="" rel="nofollow" and as the mother said if her son had done that to a girl the police would have been on her doorsteps in no time. Feminists are not fooling me modern western society is completely anti male and men are now are always treated like garbage and women are put on pedestals. It is partly true that violence against men is not seen as serious because there are a lot of men in law enforcement that see women as weaker and more innocent than men but you have to admit that violence and humiliation of men greatly increased with the introduction of feminism.
Why are french guys so hot? how do i get a hot french guy to move back to america?
there is this french guy that went to my school and he was a foreign exchange student, he was literally one of the best looking guys i have ever seen! A few weeks ago he moved back to france:(( how do i get him to move back to america?
If there was ever a time when the "Hitler Stache" could be socially acceptable, it's now. Don't chya' think?
Sure, it's not the most attractive thing in the world, but neither is a full mustache for that matter. This particular stache is taboo to wear, and has been ever since Hitler wore it proudly. But here's a thought... If there was ever a time for this hideous facial hair to become popular, it would be now, and most likely among the hipster scene. Not that I myself would grow one, but this is a now-or-never revival situation, right? What do you think?
Will theas mods fit on my x7 phenom?
Ok will the stock off a project salvo or alpha black fit on an x7 phenom? Oh yeah can the shrouds of both of those guns fit on the x7 phenom 2? Also is ther any way I can mod my x7 phenom to look like an m4 ?
Europe places to travel?
what are some wonderful places in Italy, Germany, and France that might be some what not on the map or a place that you just can not pass up on seeing?
Can you comment on my essay please?
A Roman general brought peace to a rebellious province by killing all its citizens even his fellow Romans were shocked. One of them wrote, "In Latin (Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant) which means they create desolation and call it peace. Yemeni government implement the same ideology on the citizens of Yemen, but in this case not the rebellious, are revolutionists. Yesterday, an elderly woman knocked my door; she was asking for money in order to by shroud for her son, not food. She could not brie her son, and Yemenis face an abject poverty. Like that look in a mother's eyes when she can't feed her kids.
Should I be intimidated by girls who travel a lot?
My girlfriend has a regular American accent but her family lives all over Europe and she talks about traveling to Spain, France, Russia and all these other places. I'm starting to feel like she doesn't plan to be with me long
Suicidal thoughts over university exams?
Don't do it man you've made it this far just keep trying. That sounds like the most impossible thing to do I know because I'm battling my own problems and I don't have the will power to do things. I'm gonna start trying to do something though and hopefully not give up you should do the same.
Help with a "holiday romance" type situation?
definatly A) jjust dont make it sound like u like her to much cuz then she will feel presured cuz she has a bf girls like it when guys treat them right so write something cute but a little obviose that u like her something a little cheezy 2 :)
Can someone revise my paragraph?
Many students believe that Plymouth was the first pemannt european settlement in New England, but this is not true. Samuel de Champlain built a fort in what is known today as Vermont. hat was twelve years before the Mayflwer deposited its passengers on the shore's of Massachusetts. The British won control of the area after the French and Indian War, and named it New Connecticut in 1777. Connecticut was settled in 1635. Champlain claimed the area of France. Later that year, residents of the New Connecticut changed its name to Vermont.
I am In love with my best friend , should i tell him?
I came out to him almost a year ago but Ive liked him for three years and i no i love him but shroud i tell him i love him? like he already knows i like him
Do people still check each other out at topless/nude beaches in Europe?
Do men and women check each other out if they are attracted to each other? Do men still try to pick women up at topless beaches? Or is it taboo to approach a half-naked woman?
I want to visit Paris by myself, any help?
Once you get to Paris don't share a cab with a stranger named Peter. You will be abducted and sold into slavery and Liam Neeson will have to save you.
Where should I go for a gap year?
If not France, then try going to a french speaking island. St Maarten in the Caribbean, or French Polynesia or something
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy?
Generally people have known this for centuries but in the early 1980s the mass media picked up on the idea. During the 1980s public health awareness accelerated. More emphasis was put on diet, exercise, smoking cessation and the danger of drugs and alcohol.
Why am i Mad at my girlfriend for this ?
Well my fianc� send me a picture like twenty minutes ago. That she went to go get another piercing in her lip and Im not a big piercing person or tattoo person or in any of that taboo.But should I be mad at her because she didn't tell me and really should I be mad at her because because I liked her the way she was.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Why is this taboo, please see details?
same reason an irishman can crack irish jokes, and a black person can make fun of blacks. You can make fun of yourself. You risk offending if you make fun of others. I can't tell asian jokes, for example, it would be in bad taste. But Margaret Cho can. You might think that's not fair, but that's the way it is.
How can I get on a game show?
You need to show your personality. Be bold and vibrant, because that's what the producers like to see.
Should I keep or Sell My Mossberg 500?
im thinking of taking 75 dollars and putting dual pistol grips on my moss 500 and adding a heat shroud. Id have to cut the barrel to 19 ins from its 26in barrel. would it be worth doing or should i just sell and buy the 8 shot persuader with pistl grip and heat shroud for 320 new.
Should there be a Navy Deck for Magic the Gathering?
This is not YuGiOh where they need a cartoon to come up with ideas, MTG has a very long storyline that is full of magic and fantasy, not technology like this. The cards you mention would completely break the game and should never be made. Oh and cards are never "enabled", you tap them for their abilities.
Small dialogue segment of my story, what do you think?
I like how it flowed. Good job! I also liked how you described in great detail which makes the scene much more interesting. Keep it up!
Is looking at gore a sin?
I don't look at it for fun or anything but my friends send a lot of gore sights and it's kind of cool to see that kind of stuff because it's so taboo and everything. Is it a sin to look at dead people in pictures or something? Thanks.
Where can I find evidence backing up these statements?
No doubt some of the names, places, and events written in the bible are based on fact. Literary works often are a reflection of their times. Its all of the mystical claims that discredit the work.You won't find any evidence for those.
Has "BF" rigged the Coke Zero 400 on July 2nd for Ralph Dale Earnhardt Junior?
im not gonna lie, I am afraid that NASCAR might try to stage the race somehow, but how is my question
How to do a Juicy Couture inspired room?
The color scheme is pink white and black, I can repaint my walls, get new bedding, and accessories. I really like Juicy Couture, Victoria's Secret Pink, Victorian Style, and France. Most of all I want lots of accessories! I would also like to look at and get new furniture. Thanks so much!
Peom about our soceitywhat do ya think?
The rhyming scheme is sloppy, but it's excellent on my tongue, so it gives me the effect of. There are errors, but I don't even care, because it's great! Don't listen to the mockery, it's a great piece.
My boyfriend has a real Oedipus complex. What do I do?
Stop calling him your boyfriend and leave him, let him and his mother do whatever they want. Dont be a part of it, how can you contemplate being with someone who even thinks about doing this to his mother ?
Will you critique my poem?
I had to appear on Koprah... She exposed the poem I wrote as a pack of lies. I was forced to admit that I was never actually raised by naked pygmies in the jungle. I am still in recovery.
Should i be embarrassed for being gay? gay messages in restroom? craigslist gay?
i know gays are considered taboo but should i be embarrassed? and why do gays write in the restrooms for contact? For example i was a Marshalls the other day and had to pee, so i went to the restroom. I peed and washed my hands, turned around to dry em and i see this message on the paper towel dispenser " if you want your blah sucked call blah blah? and is it ok to be like a slut like just sleep with people? like on Craigslist? i see that alot.
Rate my lyrics i wrote please?
they are written in a way I have never seen but they are pretty epic. I wish i could here the complete song I bet I would like it.
Why do I have this fetish?
Alright, so I started looking at porn two years ago and started to get addicted to it. But that wasn't it, I also got hooked on "taboo" porn. For whatever reason it turned me on whereas I started to get desensitized to normal porn. I've been doing a lot better and haven't looked at porn in a while but today I looked at taboo porn again, and it's just like something's drawing me towards it. I don't know why I was watching taboo porn, the actual thought of sex with a relative disgusts me, yet why do I want to look at taboo porn. Is it because this addiction to porn has drove me to an extreme fetish?
Should Osama Bin Laden's head be sent overseas for independent DNA testing to prove conclusively its identity?
There seems to be a lot of conjecture as to the validity of the identity of the head allegedidly purported to be Osama Bin Laden. should not the remains of the corpse be subjected to the most stringent independents Laboratory testing similar to what the Shroud of Turin was recently subjected to, for positive confirmation of the identity of the suspect ?
Those who don't believe Jesus was a real person: What do you think of the Shroud of Turin?
There's no contemporary historical record of such a person ever having existed. No first-person accounts, no official record. The Shroud of Turin is a fake made in the 14th. Century to fool pilgrims. For that, we have the Church record of the artist's confession, plus scientific tests done on the cloth itself. It was woven by a method not known until medieval times, from materials not from the Middle East, and applied with tempera paint. It also depicts someone with rather weirdly deformed features. Radiocarbon dating also shows a medieval origin. There is a tremendous amount of false information out there; takes a while to sift fact from fiction.
Ok so I'm a 21 year old female with very pale skin & blue parents are Italian & half French from France, my sister has olive skin darkish hair green eyes yet her body hair is almost all blonde, I don't get why I have such dark coars hair!!!!! I did laser and it never went away, I did so many sessions of it but none of it worked I wasted so much money. Why the hell didn't it go away, & why do I have such dark body hair? It makes no sense. I'm the palest one in my family yet I'm the hairyest it's disgusting! Is it because of my ethnicity??? Because I do very much have the body of an Italian woman, & even though I don't have my fathers dark brown eyes and dark skin, I very much take after his side.
My wife is bi curious and is open to experimenting with another girl or couple should we?
After a recent discussion with my wife, we talked about how the taboo of having sex with another couple and watching each other get pleased by someone else was a huge turn on. We have never done any of this before but we have had sex in front of friends and talked about her curiosities. She and I are both actively involved in giving oral to each other, anal sex with her, using toys, watching porn together, and role playing fantasies we each have like me acting like I'm someone else, or her playing the same role. She and I both get really turned on in the moment when comments are made like if I said I would really love to watch her going down on another girl or vice versa and it prompts later discussions on pursuing the interests. She told me the other day that she has always wanted to get with one of her really good friends and the idea of knowing her friend has been with other girls is a big turn on to her. I know she is serious about the experimenting because she has asked her if she would do it, but like any girl would react her friend said she's nuts. Where as my wife said, that is was her who was being weird and she wants to has sex with her. After playing with the idea we've both said it's an ultimate fantasy to see each other having sex with another person and using it to ultimate please each other, but are we veerin into troubled waters if we pursue this sort of thing? I know there are mixed responses, but if we set boundaries, that If we get her friend to agree to have sex with her and the only girl I have sex with is my wife and her friends only their for her pleasure can it go badly? I'm wanting to explore each others fantasies but in a sense where we are doing it for each other but neither of us want the negative repercussions if it doesn't go well. I've suggested next time we foreplay, she should close her eyes and pretend she is with her friend, and imagine that it is her friend pleasing her and we both agree it would be nice to do. Good ideas or no?
How to tell if a Louis Vuitton belt is real or fake?
I seen some louis vuitton belts say Paris and made in France. Another one says Pairs and Made in Spain. What's the difference? Are both of them real? Which one is fake? Let me know.
Intro to the story I'm writing?
A lovely setting, really vivid imagery created from your words. I hope this follows onto some action? You don't want to spend too long setting the scene, in case you bore the reader. But brilliant work! well done x
Saturday, July 16, 2011
I'm driving from Paris to Tours what should i stop to see?
My family is embarking on a driving tour through France and we are wondering if there are any historical or neat places that are worth stopping at during the drive. Any additional information is greatly appreciated as I no nothing about France!
Do you support the ill-intentioned campaign by Crap of India newspaper about lowering the drinking age to 21y?
You r 100% right. TOI :Times of Itely. madar chod news paper,a p orn tabloid,I buy it for my packing purpose,it is cheaper than raddi(scrape)paper.This bloody news(por n) daily,spoiling our childerns and our culture.
I(male) have an interview with Zara for a sales associate position. What should I wear for the interview?
Its better to be over dressed than under dressed. Going suited and booted means you take the position seriously! a nice shirt, trousers and nice shoes its quite hot at the moment so you can pull something like that off. Good luck!
Why do people still have the idea that illegals vote?
Really.... very few people even bothered to look up this information.I lived in the US among both legal and illegal immigrants and never seen one vote. I researched on the internet and couldn�t find one case where a considerable amount of illegals voted in any elections. So, if any of you find this information, PLEASE post it. But I will ONLY accept information that comes from a credible sources like official government sites or major news chanel and it must be significant, not a case where only one illegal commited election fraud 5 years ago. It must be something that weights on the nation like hundreds or thousands of illegals voting during elections. So, if you find this info PLEASE post it so I can change my mind about the issue. In case no one gives me anything valid I will assume that this story that illigals vote is a taboo and a bunch of crap.
What is the best mobile deal for travelling around Europe?
Best and quickest way to sort that out is visit some phone shops up town and ask what they think is going to be the best thing to do. If not, try an international calling card? You just top it up then use it that way. I'm not sure if it works from another country though!
Mtg Does an artifact spell have shroud when being cast?
my artifacts have shroud and i cast an artifact spell. Can it be countered or does it have shroud already?
Suicidal thoughts over university exams?
If you fail, you fail. It isnt something worth dying over. All you would need to do is study better.
Should I be studying right now?
Continue to study but take breaks every few hours. It's all about your comfort level. I findafter a few hours of straight studying that I begin to lose interest and no longer retain any information.
Better business language to learn: French or German?
I'm a current student at UF seeking to attain an MBA. This Fall, I will depart to Brazil to learn Portuguese and to continue my career abroad; I will be living in Brazil for about 1 year and a half. After that, I shall become a trilingual, since I can speak and write both English and Spanish proficiently already; My first goal is to be able to become fluent and write proficiently the 3 most important languages in the American Continent. But, I'm also thinking about learning a fourth language. So, after I return from Brazil I am planning to finish my degree, while learning another language, abroad in either Germany or France. I am currently undecided on which country I should go to study and which language is more important business wise.
Now brother Digvijay lambasts Baba Ramdev. Why Congress spokesmen hate movements to curb corruption?
Digvijay Singh is a politician past his prime and pass-date. After having thrown off the turf in Madhya Pradesh, he is busy grooming heir-apparent Rahul. In the present case, there are a few things to be considered. Firstly, some Congress-men argue that even the Naxalites were democratic appendages trying to cleanse an opaque system. Come on! Baba Ramdev can never be compared to gun-toting militants. Civil society has every right to protest (though the whole constitutional veneer that politicians hide behind makes a drastic change impossible). However, the protest should not be extra-constitutional and should not handicap the parliamentarians. 4 Cabinet Ministers at the airport to receive a seer clearly shows the potency of Baba and the fear of retributions that even the highest of ministers harbors! And please do not black-list the RSS. It may have taken wrong steps but it is much better than a pseudo-secular party like the Congress.
1994 taurus cranks wont start?
Check the fuel pump shutoff switch (usually in the trunk) and test/replace the relay. Check the EEC fuse to make sure it hasn't blown again. You might have have a short somewhere that killed the EEC, so you probably wouldn't have any fuel or spark (you can check the spark to confirm this theory). It could be some small frayed wire somewhere causing this. Hope you can figure it out.
I want to give my best friend something unique for her wedding?
But I'm not sure if I have to get her something from her registry. I was thinking about making a memory quilt or something, but I'm not sure if it's taboo to not get something from the registry.
What is the process of burial at sea?
some bodies will be weighted but, at first bodies will sink, until gases build up, although i think that most bodies would be prepared in a way that the gases cant be built up
Why does no-one start a Cam pain to End Road Fund TAX?
The honest Jack or Jill pays Road Tax on top of high Fuel prices its only us guys it really hits.Foreign Trucks Damage our roads and Pay F--k All.We go to France we have to pay to use there Motorways. Everyone Complains about this Scandal us Tax but no-one forms a group to Rid us of it it should be on Fuel and those Foreign Trucks&cars should pay a levy on their Boat or Train to Drive in the UK.Im not suggesting Toll roads but this ancient Stealth Tax needs the Axe.The more you drive the more you pay if its on Fuel then everyone pays &government would get more money. Criminals&those who can afford a decent Accountant will always find a clever way of reclaiming it
How much is it to go on the Metro Train In Paris?
My friends are I are traveling to Paris, we are staying near the Eiffel Tower. We want to go on the Bir-Hakiem station and get off at Charles De Gaulle - Etoile and get back, how much will this all cost us and what is a website that we can find all this out, we want to know how much tickets cost in France?
What kind of speech does the word "of" belong to?
Like the "country of France", what kind of speech does "of" belong to? If it isn't a kind of speech, then what is it?
What do you think of this prelude?
That is a prologue. A prelude is in a music piece. If this was music it would be too loud and discontent.
Ochoa signing with a cheap team in France? ?
Should he stay? I think so... Going to a team that just gt promoted to liege 1 and has a stadium fr 10,000 people? Might as well play for tecos. Smh
How much does it cost to live in southern France?
I'm an American looking to study abroad in Aix en provence next year. Visa application says your monthly allowance should be $680, so around 469 euros. I'm a college student so I don't spend $680 a month, and I'm in California! What costs 469 euros a month as living expenses? (I already got housing taken care of, so that money I guess is just for food and fun...)
Why do indians dont marry Africans?
I have observed that our people(Black Africans) inter-marry with the whites, especially the Americans, Britons, Russians even Arabs etc. But to my surprise i hardly see Indians marry to our African brothers. Why? Is it a taboo to Indian culture to marry a black race?
Tell me truth please seriously?
i am a boy who was very shy and not good looking right from my childhood.i was too shy to attend marriages and never left my house to enjoy with friends.i was under depression for many years which i did not realise that it was memory got so weak at present that i just forget 2 seconds before things.and it was worsening since 6-7 years.right from age 13 or 14 years when Harmon changes started in me.i was under the habit of which is not masturbutation but at night playing with my penis.i continued to do so every month from then.when i started becoming younger my habit got worsened and i started looking at pornography on net.i always used to think that it is a sin but somehow i could not control it.i was so depressed with the passage of time that i started to internalise it making it a habit.once at the age of 18 when all things did not arouse me anymore i got into the habit of sex story reading from where i used to read normal stories of husband wife etc.but somehow i started reading stories of uncle cousin brother and finally i started reading stories of brother sister father daughter .i never thought of reading a story of mom and son. i was good at studies.i felt that with my poor family and my ugly face and people not liking to talk to me , doing good in academics was the only way to get you accepted among other people.i was so internally afraid that i started to think that you are nothing without education.i got distinction in my exams everytime.because of my self created pressure. the topic every normal person can learn or retain in mind took so time for me to remember or to learn anything .i used to study 10 hours which a normal student would have done in 1 hours. i am an indian boy where reading such kind of stories is unthinkable and such a big taboo.but i never fantasized about my relatives and family members. i wanted to quit the habit time and again but i was unable to control.but sometime ago when i really realised that this could actually spoil my relationship,i was terrified and decided that perhaps this was the last time i read it.but now 3 months gone to those last reading, i am under constant severe depression for different different things.sometimes because of fear of god.sometimes when i realise that if anyone could have been at my place he would have done it.sometimes because i am from india. and specially here the relationship of brother and sister is celebrated as raksha bandhan and pure relation which are universal in the world.sometime i feel that brother which is supposed to protect her sister , you have read story of that relationship.but now i am deeply terrified.i never looked at any lady with lustful thoughts. i was so shy.i said that i lost my mother 2 years ago without whom i could not imagine my life.but on his death i could not weep because my feeling were destroyed. i was so terrified.but sometimes when i realise what i have lost .i feel so afraid and helpless .i cry.even now when my sister goes to her husband house after visiting us i weep because i love them purely with the love brother and sister relationship.i think i am pervert and no normal person in country like india would have done what i have done. i cannot even hurt a person with my harass i live with my dad.he is an aged person.he has all hopes on me.but many times frustrated and tensed i remain angry with him.but i also love him and i think without him who will be mine in this world.we are two members in our family.please thinking from and indian perspective tell me am i bad.would anyone else have not done such kind of thing if his emotions would have suppressed he would have depressed.he would remain alone with his books with pressure.please tell me i think that how could i have read those kind of stories.when 3 years back such kind of matter was unthinkable to me.i am 21 years old now .and i have the responsibily of my family.please help me. serious answers please.
Does anyone out there have elevated knowledge in regards to ELF sensors and hz frequency readings?
A lightly loaded induction motor will radiate a tiny amount of about 5 hertz rf. A 5 hertz strobe light will radiate some 5 hertz rf, but not much. Also a flickering florescent tube and slow scan video. Powerful ELF rf generators can be built, but they are expensive as applications are few as extremely long antennas are needed for good results and the band width is almost zero. The 5.000 infers that your ELF might measure as low as one millihertz. The manufacture of your ELF meter may not be thinking precision scientific, so a malfunction for 60 seconds is possible, but I agree, a very unlikely coincidence. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can generate ELF, but not usually exactly 5.000 hertz. Why do you think it is God instead of Satan that answered your prayer? Neil
Friday, July 15, 2011
Can another mother really breastfeed your baby?
well, I wouldn't want my role as a mother to be taken by someone else... But when adopting today there are pills to stimulate milk production even in women who never had babies so this wouldn't be an issue
How old is too old for a ring bearer & flower girl?
11 is an age where it is kinda weird to be doing it so the 9 year old would be a good age for a flower girl and the 13 year old can be a junior groomsmen. Then just find a cousin or a friend's kid or something to the ring bearer. My sisters fiancee had a junior groomsmen who was 13 and my other sister had a flower girl who was 10 and you could have a flower girl and not a ring bearer. (most people don't put the actual rings on the pillow anyway) so just have the best man give him the rings and the soon be 9 year old can be the flower girl and the soon to be 13 year old can be a junior groomsmen. I REALLY hope this works out. I hope you and your soon to be husband have a long happy marriage! God Bless
Help getting revenge?
My mom has been a real b*tch to me lately. She's been blabbering about my school work when really it's not bad at all. I practice the piano a lot and she claims I don't at all which is extremely disrespectful to me and what i love doing. she sometimes claims that I set my books in a certain position to make it look like I was studying or playing the piano even though she was never actually there when I did those things. She's been doing this for months and its been ripping me up inside. She does this to me constantly and it tears me apart. She smiles at me and i can tell she knows i've been bottling these emotions and ive been shrouded in sadness and disappointment. Anyways what I'm trying to get at is I need a good solid way to get revenge. It has to be legal, of course, and it has to make her feel just as bad as she made me feel. It has to be something that will leave her with that thought in the back of her mind before she goes to sleep at night.
Magic: the gathering Countering Shroud?
You can only use spells that don't target like DOJ. Deathtouch would work as would whittling down its power/toughness with infect creatures.
Impressionist movement in France?
To understand the significance you have to examine and discuss the contemporary, non-Impressionist, work, and know that this is the first time painting (in oils rather than watercolour) was taken outside a studio and worked in situ, as opposed to taking studies and sketches back to the studio.
Argentina's Carlos Monzon attained global fame fighting mostly in Europe, could Sergio Martinez do that too?
At the moment and for many years the way to attain worldwide fame has been to fight in America. There has long been a saying: If you haven't done it in America you Haven't done it. Look at Joe Calzaghe, he was undefeated world super middleweight champion for 11 years and a great fighter, he only started to get a fraction of recognition when he crossed the pond to fight Hopkins and Jones. There is a great tradition, particularly among British fighters to cross the pond to attain fame: fighters such as Ted "Kid" Lewis, Jack "Kid" Berg, Jimmy Wilde, Jim Driscoll, Freddie Welsh, Ken Buchanan and Nigel Benn all went to America, if they had stayed put they probably wouldn't be as well known as they are now. America is such a large part of the English speaking world and of course it has a lot of money. It also has such boxing Mecca's as Madison Square Garden and Caesars Palace. Carlos Monzon did attain global fame by fighting in Argentina and Europe but he is one of the few. However I believe that is starting to change, in the last ten years or so Europeans have really become a major force in world boxing. The heavyweight division which at one time was the most important in boxing is dominated by Europeans and now they are starting to take over the middleweight division with the likes of Sturm, Pirog and Golovkin all holding world titles. So in answer to your question, at the moment no, I don't think you can attain global fame by fighting mostly in Europe, however soon you might well be able to.
Can I get some honest opinion here please?
this is a good express your feelings so nicely.i like it very much.thanks for this beautiful poem.
What do you think about Ochoa finally going to Europe?
i aint americanista, but it's cool that there is in europe a mexican goalkeeper... hope he does well...
Why do Greeks think they have nothing left to offer to the greedy bankers?
Since the beginning of this economy crisis, the elites/ bankers always pointed to the Islands in the south as a great way to get out of debt, they want your land and Islands; but obviously their bigger goals is to bring Germany and France to their knees when you try to default.....this is a chapter of the International bankers and greedy politicians creating misery for millions. What has to be done: are 4 things 1) Screw the Euro the Drachma was king 2) Default on their stupid bankers debt 3) is FOLLOW MALAYSIA, in 1997 the Asian crisis prompt Malaysia to start printing money that is pegged to Gold, 4) The last stimulus $100 billion euros to be used when the first 3 steps are done, because the International bankers would want to place embargos for defaulting the only method that would be left for survival and trading will be bartering. Those are the best solutions, I dont know what else can be done. But Do Not Sell your Land/ Islands
Why is saying "fat, obese, overeweight" becoming politically incorrect?!?
who cares about PC , just say it like it is! Just dont be rude, and consider people feelings, thats all we need to understand. And being overweight does not make one a bad person, there are alot of reasons people are overweight, emotional issues, and just plain old victims of our society, and the companies that make our food using bad ingredients, cheap ingredients that mess up our metabolism ,and overload our pancreas.
Suicidal thoughts over university exams?
That's just it, it's probably the pressure from your family, not the university, that is causing you to have suicidal thoughts. Realize that you are in control of your life, and that doing your best is all you can realistically give. If your family has a problem with your academic performance even though you're doing your best, it's their problem, not yours.
Why USA Americans make fun of France? France do nothing wrong and don't start illegal wars?
USA is now seen as surrender monkeis in France. USA cannot even beat goat herders and claim to be super power? You never win war alone. And you had Boosh as president! Twice! USA is joke, is it not?
Anyone agree that imposement of modern race/cultures/etc with past ones is a dangerous distortion of history?
Your thoughts on how cultures and people change over the centuries is interesting. Ancient European culture was pretty well scrambled by the Germanic invasions of the late Roman era, and every country you mention, France, Italy, and England in particular, were drastically changed by the cultural influence of the German invaders. Ancient cultural traits can be recognized in every one of these countries, but each is a conglomeration of mixed cultures in today’s world. But it is not valid to put too much emphasis on past glory or failures. We are today what we make of ourselves.
Are the times of twitter posts universal?
Say if my friend sends me a tweet at 10.00am in France, would that be 10.00am US time or French standard time?
What do you think about France banning the Burqa and expelling Gypsies and Romanians?
I dont get the gypsy thing, but I lol @ the burqa. But hey, I think other countries should start banning others as well.
How is your body confidence?
I like my flat stomache (which makes up for my rather curvy thighs), im petite at 5 ft 1 andd my eyebrows have just been threaded so they look okay and i like my blue eyes. Althoguh even though my feet are fine, i hate all feet!
What are the chances of a minor getting caught with cigarettes in check in luggage?
Well...all airports are different i suppose, but the airport where i live takes everything through a scanner so they can see inside the bags on a screen. However they have no real way of knowing that the cigarettes are yours and since smoking isn't illegal they'd have no reason to take the cigarettes out or your bag..
FFXIII - getting money?
After you beat the game, and come back to do the side quests, what is the fastest easiest way to get mass money so that I can do the weapon upgrades and buy shrouds, etc. As this game is not typical of other FF games in the currency requirements.
Can I just put tobacco in my main luggage on a plane to France, or do I have to declare it?
Im going to France tomorrow and because customs are ever tighter every time I fly, i was wondering what the situation is with a tobacco pouch. Could I just put it in my main luggage or does it have to be declared or something?
Which area is closer to North America?
Which area is closer to North America? Spain, Brazil, France, or Thailand and then whats the closest area of whats left to the area closest to North America? Thanks
There is a weight problemo among an adolescent here...?
How do I put this... I'm 15 year old sophomore and I am in dire need of advice. When I was in 8th grade, my diet at school was mainly pizza and at home, the stereotypical "black meat preference", pork chops (fried). I don't like fried foods because: it's gross, it's cooked in excessive fats, and the greasy residue left over on your plate and on your mouth is just absolutely disgusting. Anyway, after having that fixed diet for 2 years so far, I have weighed myself and estimated my gross weight gain to be approximately 15 lbs. My metabolism in the 7th grade was at an all time high. Due to the lack of running for 3 years (well, immoderate running) I've slowed down drastically. I still have my energy, but my speed and stamina attributes have depleted... I've also been eating more than my metabolism's capability in digestion. Do I still have the metabolic speed? If so, how do I lose this somewhat small amount of belly flab (the fat mainly shrouds around my naval)? Exercise and dieting is obvious, but it seems to have become harder to lose this weight. I'm figuring it's from aging, but who knows? That's why I'm on here. Please give informative and, if you must, somewhat comical answers, por favor. Gracias. :D
What do you think this excerpt?
They are both good but I'm kinda having to guess the story since I don't really know anything about it. They make the story sounds really interesting and if this was an extract from a book, it would make me want to read that book, definantly. Good job! =D
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What does everyone think about tha shroud of Turin ?
If it's real, it means Jesus lived in the 13th or 14th century, had one arm much longer than the other, and brain the size of a protohuman's.
Is sexuality such a taboo topic for Asian people as it is for Westerners?
For Western adults, sexuality issues often either trigger a disgust reaction or a giggly schoolchild reaction. I blame Christianity's influence on the West for this. Asian cultures have developed without the influence of Christianity, so do Asian people tend to have different reactions to sexuality issues?
Is it possible for someone to be happy but still want to commit suicide?
Who would want to consider committing suicide... Makes no sense especially in the US, But no not possible.
How can i help myself?
My mum knows I suffer from mild depression, yet its a taboo subject for her. I find it hard to believe most times that I do. I have a supportive friend who has been through the same thing, and says I can talk to her anytime, and she's made me realise that I need help. So when I cry in front of my mum, telling her I feel tearful for no reason, she tells me (and has done so every time I feel low) that I'm wallowing in self pity. She has said this so many times. She said there is no reason why I should feel tearful. She told me truthfully that I should so things to occupy my mind and I'm the only one who can help myself. I agree with that totally. But she told me as long as I 'keep this up' I might kill myself at 25, and 'what a waste that would be'. She said she'd been through the same thing before, which I know of, and I could try many, many counsellors, but in the end its all up to me. She said they never work for her. For the past month, I have hit rock bottom. I constantly need my friends around me, because I'm terrified to be left alone with my thoughts. There are some days when the feeling is just not there. And there are other days when its worse than ever. Right now, I feel totally helpless, but also guilty that I feel this way, and totally stupid. My mum continually telling me its self-pity makes me feel awful, and worthless, which results me in self-harming. I somehow need a confidence boost.
French v.s spanish or russian?
i can either learn russian french or spanish in school and i am having a hard time deciding which one i would like to do.I know that spanish is definatley most useful but i have no desire to learn it which is why i dont think i should do that one bec you need to be very motivated to learn any language. i live in america and yes i speak english. i probably will not go to france or europe or canada any time soon so i would not take that into account i have always wanted to learn french, i just hope when i get older i wont regret (if i do) choosing this one rather then something more useful. i wasnt going to do russian but someone i know said that its a very useful language and i should definatley choose this over french in fact everyone is telling me this and i also know more russians then french please help me choose!
Tippmann paintball question, 10 points!!?
Okay. I have a tippmann a5, I have a m4 shroud and am looking to get the bigshot 14 inch barrel. Also Im getting a m4 front sight. But I need to know how wide the bigshot barrel is, 1 inch or 7/8th. I need to know so I know which size front sight to get? Thanks!!
I have a loose radiator fan, what will I need to fix it?
The car is a 1988 Mercury Cougar V-6. I don't think its an electric fan, but anyway its very loose. I think i'll need to take the radiator out first, because I can't get the fan shroud off, the fan won't allow it. So I'll need to drain the fluid etc. I was just wondering if there was a temporary fix to tighten the fan. This car is my only transportation and I need to get to the nearest parts store. I would walk but I live no where near anything, so I can't. Please help!!!
I need advice.. 10 POINTS?
Does anyone know any english programs in France? I want to study business and then fashion to work behind the scenes of runways and such.I want to study in France to enhance my french. I just graduated. I need to get my AA first here in the US and then transfer over in a year to France. Can anyone help? Does anyone know any good universities/colleges?
From a Schengen country which country is easier to get a visa or citizenship ? or to work in the country?
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
How to introduce girlfriend to parents?
Get your mum or both parents to invite her. In this way they will feel you are including them. Tell them you would like them to meet her and see if they approve of her. Don't surprise them. It will not be good for them and also the girl. Leave religion aside. Common sense should tell you that you should prepare your mum for a visitor to her house.
What do you think about the Shroud of Turin?
It's a very interesting item. Obviously, not the burial shroud of the man called Jesus, but interesting none the less. I mean, there is no doubt there is an image on it that has, of yet, not been explained. That, in and of itself, makes the item a curiosity as a historical relic.
Anybody know the translation app on tonight's One Show?
Anybody who was watching The One Show before on BBC1 know what the Voice Translation app was called what the lady was trying out in France?
A song from the musical "Taboo"?
In the scene, Boy George is wearing a white Grecian-ish type dress. All I remeber is him singing in the chorus "Oh Mother" what song is that?
What's the best stain-proof material for long-lasting shrouds?
And, following a potential resurrection, will I be able to wash it on a cool cycle without using harsh and abrasive chemicals?
POLL: Would you ever participate in a secret sex orgy?
I know talking about this is somehow "taboo" but I just simply want your opinions on this.
POLL: what do you think of this story?
i'm sure it's very possible that your grandfather saw a figure standing in the garden, people make claims like this all the time
How much did the Koch brother spend promoting their climate denial junk science?
Not as much as taxpayers were bilked on the junk science that was "global warming" before it was debunked as rubbish.
Question about Canada in Hetalia?
He may have refereed to a recycled Tim Hortons coffee cup in his back pack, the superior heath care that Canada affords its citizens... and did he mention the zipper, sled and touque?
Do you support Khap Panchayat?
Khap panchayat governs the khap formed by same gotra ( clan) families from several neighbouring villages.Khap panchayats are prevalent in Haryana,western Uttar Pradesh and Parts of Rajasthan.Love marriages are considered taboo in areas governed by Khap panchayats.Those living in a Khap are not allowed to marry in the same gotra or even in any gotra from the same village.Many young couples have been killed in the past defying khap rules.
The alleged victim of the Dominique Strauss-Kahn rape case turned out to be a liar. Think she was a CIA agent?
Don't worry your commie-pinko head off about this. DSK will find some technicality leading to a penalty akin to probation.
So, about the shroud of Turin?
Atheists claim that we know how the image got there but I have yet to have anyone who thinks that explain it. It isn't paint and it isn't dye so if it isn't the real deal then what is it an provide evidence and if it's a link to a biased atheist website I will ignore it.
WWE Raw voting was Rigged last night?
Everyone knew that WWE wouldn't risk a ppv quality match like Sin Cara vs Evan Bourne on national tv so what they did was rigged the votes. No way in hell Mason Ryan got that many votes, and then they lie about it saying it was a mistake. Really what about the other ppvs in the past Taboo Tuesday, Cyber Sunday, they didn't have any problems with the voting now did they. And then they got some nerve to post on the website they had technical issues.
Crush on an older man?
I will be honest here, you are 19 he is approaching 40. Now there are many guys who would see you as the jackpot because you are young and they want someone to boost their ego. A tiny minority MAY oversee your age and want you for legit reasons. I think it depends on your maturity, where you are at in life, what you want out of life, and what he wants. Do you have alot in common? How often have you spent time with him? I think if he is serious, he needs to be careful he isnt using you for the wrong reasons. He is 38, most guys are settled and married at that age, typically in life. Why isnt he?? Find out more about him and who he is, before jumping into the unknown. You are young after all and have your whole life ahead of you.
Please help! What does this dream mean?
My best friend's dad died, and he was hit hard from it. About a week after I found out, I had this crazy dream where I was in a plain white painted room. We sat down in chairs (for some reason I clearly remember them being metal fold up chairs) in front of each other. I recall having a very in depth conversation with him, but I can't remember about what. It may sound stupid or silly, but it was like he was trying to get me to tell my friend something. Anyways, I periodically after that had dreams of me sitting in the office of my house. Everything around me was shrouded in a mist on the ground and I felt like the world was turning (this was in black and white). I turned around and looked throughand saw a man with the same stature as his father walk across the door. Although, it was very choppy and almost looked like a stop motion movie scene...
Will Jesus 2nd coming be a genetically engineered clone from DNA on the Shroud of Turin?
sorry bro thats been proven to be an ancient forgery long ago... your facts are a little out of date... in fact looking at the dimensions of it the person in it would be a few inches taller in the front than the back... its not even a well made forgery...
What do I need to do to be able to move to France from Canada? I am not fluent in French...?
I am so fed up with the way our country is being ran, that I am truly considering my options. I would love to move to France or Sweden I think. I am almost certain you must speak French fluently to move to France though :( Is this true? How do they determine your ability? Just wondering because I could attempt to learn the language lol Otherwise Sweden may be my only shot at a society I agree with lol
Can anyone else do this?
I can stare in the dark but not dark enough to not see. But when I stare a black shroud seems to cover my vision in layers I can make them keep coming and it darkens the room for me pretty much feels like I'm shutting my eyes but they are wide open.
What is this song called?
Ok, all i know is the music video to it. I will describe it as best as i can. Here goes. I was in Paris, France a couple years ago, and I was watching MTV. It is a White woman singer. The music video starts out when a Black girl is being put to bed by her mom, and her mom walks out, and shuts the door. Then the girl gets out of bed, and runs over to a screen, and puts on headphones. The song starts out with a lullabye type of tune made by one of those metalic crank macines (you know, that you put on wood, and the little metal prangs make different keys, as you turn the handle) and the video starts. Then at the end of the song, the girl hears her mom coming to her room, and she takes the headset off. She then rushes to her bed, as the song ends with the lullybye tune and the mom opens the door to see her child asleep.
Himedal is very inspiring to me, do you like this poem?
LCF, this is an exhibition of vocabulary abilities over an extremity of sadness and desperation. But Columbine...?.. In any case this is an excellent poem, I mean it excellent! Too good for the eyes of many. Maybe, though, stays too descriptive? I also think that our friend Him will love it.
Any Computer Techs Out There? 10 points?
I have a Dell Dimension 3000 with a P4 2.8 chip which in warm weather runs hot. It is fine in the cold of winter, but it races like an airplane ready to take off in the summer. My question is, can get I the junk fan (with a green shroud) replaced with a better cooling fan. I heard that Dell made their machines so that anything other than original parts will not fit or work on them. If it can be replaced, does anyone have a suggestion or model number on what fan is best to quiet this machine down. Thanks
Telling my school I'm depressed and their reactions...?
I think many people face the same problems as yours.It's a normal phenomenon.What you should do is to be relaxed,for example,you can take a travel when you have time,even with your friends.Making some good friends is good for us,friends can listen to our emotions,give their hands when we need help.Don't be too nervous and tired.Go out to see the world outside!
When i install a barrel shroud on the cx4 storm does it make it legal?
Yeah, this sounds like a state reg question. If your state says you can't have one, a barrel add on will not change it's legal status. Time for you to move......
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Is This a Good Story Concept/Idea?
It's the standard boy-rises-up, boy-learns-to-fight, evil-threatens-the-land, boy-overcomes-the-evil fantasy. It could work--it has many times--but you'll need a lot more to the conflict of the story to set it apart from others.
My boyfriend wants to kiss me but I've never kissed anyone before?
I''ve only been going out with my crush for a little while, he is the sweetest thing ever and he told my friend that he to kiss me on Friday. He is going away for 5 days to France on a school trip and Friday with be our last day untill he comes back. I really want to kiss him but, I've never kissed anyone before and I'm not sure how to do it. I feel kind of embaressed, I want to make it gentle but I have no idea, could you please give me some tips?
POLL: If your grandfather told you these stories what would you do?
I would tell him that the location seems to change each time he relays the story and it is getting tiresome.
Is it taboo to write a story with the main character being heavily based on yourself?
I know a story is supposed to be creative, and you're supposed to CREATE a character with it's own personality give it life. But, I can't help but wanting to write a character based on myself, and how I would say things/do things and use certain aspects of my life. I don't know why but It's this like, pull that I'm getting to just do it. But, would it be taboo considering the story wouldn't be ABOUT my life but it'd be like writing about myself(with some differences) in a different world. But I don't want to seem like, cocky or anything. I guess in my opinion using 'myself' as the main character would make it more real and give the character more personality. I hope I'm making sense because I barely make sense to myself trying to sort this out.
My sim on sims 3 world adventures was randomly married to a guy in France, how do i get them divorced?
Okay, so they guy in france died because he got old, but somehow him and my sim were married, theres no way i can divorce him and i want my sim to marry someone else, how do i fix this?!?!!??!?!?!
What is this perfume?
I bought a set of miniature designer perfumes from Target for around $50 a while ago. Some of the perfumes in this set were D&G, Gucci, Fendi & MOSCHINO Cheap & Chic. I have lost the packaging & want to know what brand one of the other is. There is no name on the bottle and I cannot find it on the net anywhere! The bottle is dark red/burgundy and shaped like a dome/tear drop with flat bottom. Bottom says 'made in France' It has a rich smell similar to Dior Poison. Please help i you have any idea what it might be. :)
I dont know what to do, I miss him so much?
ok so my bf of over 2 years is in france till august 12th. Hes been gone since june 1st of this month. I reallly miss him but how do I keep my self happy and feeling depressed??? I am used to seeing him everyday. :( this is really hard
Swimsuits and undies whats the difference?
okay has anyone ever noticed how taboo it is to have pictures of you in your underwear but theres tons of pictures of you in your swimsuit that are totally okay can someone enlighten me on what the difference is?
Why did the cast of the Hangover refuse to work with Mel Gibson but had no problem with Mike Tyson?
One got drunk a few times and let a few anti-semetic remarks out. One is a convicted Rapist. Is anti-semitism more taboo in America than rape?
India to UK to France and other parts of Europe?
I am from India, having an Indian Passport. I am currently in UK on a Tier 2 VIsa. I would like to plan my holidays to France and other parts of Europe. What kind of Visa requirements would I have? whom should I contact to get the Visa clearances.
I told my husband a family secret. I feel he no longer sees me the same way.?
I never told my husband how my father really died. My father took his own life, and I buried that secret within my heart for 17 years. I never shared it with anyone, it remained within the family. I was scared to share it with people b/c of the taboo and stigma associated with it. I did not want to be judged ever by it. I buried my feelings and continued on with my life. I met a wonderful warm hearted man, we dated a little more than 1 year. I fell in love with him and we married. I never shared with him the real reason my dad passed away for the same reasons stated above. During the beginning of our marriage, there were many times when I tried to form the words, the courage, to tell my husband about my father, but I failed every time. I couldn't bare the weight of carrying this on my own anymore. I wanted openness, but I was still too afraid to talk about it. I shut this in me for 17 years. How easy was it going to be to let it out? One day, my husband asked me to hear a tape from a psychic that he had went to (without my knowledge). I was angry that he went without telling me, but that all changed after what I heard on that tape. The psychic was conveying my father's message that he was sorry for what he had done. I lost it and started to cry hysterically. At that point, I told my husband about my father and how he died. He comforted me and held me and asked me why I never told him. We are now trying to have a family of our own, however, we have not been lucky in that arena, and it is straining our relationship b/c still we have no children. My husband is not happy with his job or where we live. Several months have passed since I told my husband about my father, he now tells me that he loves me, but that he feels slighted b/c I never had the trust to tell him. That he deserved to know about it. He feels that there was(is) no trust in our marriage. I feel that my husband sees me in a different light now. I think I made a big mistake to tell him. What was I to do? I was expecting that my husband tell me that it is all in the past, that he understands why I never told me b/c I was afraid. But those were not his words, he told me that he loves me, but he feels slighted b/c I never trusted him enough to tell him. He is now disappointed in me. I thought love was unconditional. Can anyone shed some light on this for my sanity?
Are there any online sites for seeking psychiatric treatment?
The main reason for this is the taboo that is attached to getting psychiatric treatment. The place where I am at seeking a psychiatric treatment is equivalent to calling yourself crazy. Arent there any good websites you can go to to chat with psychiatrists so that you can do things more discreetly. I suspect have BPD btw and have been suffering from it for a long time now
I have sociopathic tendencies...?
You would like to witness torture/murder? Ok, you could get a job operating the electric chair on death row? That way you get your thrill but are still on the right side of the law.
Where I can study journalism ?
well I'm an English student in Algeria I will finish after 2 years from now on & I want to go to France to study journalism in English if it's possible but I really want to know how much I'll pay coz I'm not rich & I want some advice anyway !! plz tell me thanks 4 Ur time ^^
Black American, Would love to move to Europe ?
I find myself infatuated with a new lifestyle in a complete different society, a new culture to learn from . I plan of learning Spanish, French, and German fluently if not all three it will be two . I'm currently in Junior College , I will transfer and get my bachelors in business . If I decide to get my M.B.A , it will be international business.( I'm between majors ) Aside from my career choice , my choices of areas to live are France , England , London , & Italy if not live ... definitely visit! I've heard it to be very racist in Italy and France , what should I expect out the four places ??
What happens when Greece goes bankrupt?
I'm not saying it will, but what IF it would happen. What would be the consequences for other European countries, like France/Germany/The Netherlands?
Suicidal thoughts over university exams?
I do engineering too! 110% sure I have failed my first exam...considering doing easy life would be
Of the two great taboos, which would you rather violate if forced to?
Cannibalism, you and your relative are going to have to deal with the consequences of incest for the rest of your lives after that incident. If you eat some of a dead guy, oh well, it's gross and immoral but it's a one time thing.
Like I want to know if I'm being paraoid or she really hates me?
Perhaps she was no longer interested in you based on your appearance. I have done the same thing after meeting a guy from online in person... While the conversation could be great, appearance plays a role as well.
2003 jinan qingqi qm50qt-3e scooter help?
I just bought this 2 stroke scooter a few weeks ago and it needs a little work. the guy before me caught part of it on fire and melted some of the plastic. I know that i need a new fan, fan cover, spark plug, air filter, ignition coil assembly, and cylinder fan shroud. I also need to replace some of the plastic body parts, and need a new floor mat. Does anyone know where i can find cheap parts for this scooter? The engine is a D1E41QMB. I'm looking for factory or aftermarket parts. i'd prefer aftermarket so i can get this thing to go a little faster than 35mph. I'm located in Los angeles, so if there are any shops that would carry these parts i'd like to know about them as well. thanks
Oblivion shrouded armor help?
i am ot in the dark brotherhood is ther any other way i can get the shrouded armor !? not the crapy robe the theif looking gear? or is ther a way to glitch my self into the darkbrother hood sancuary ?
Does anybody have a good boarding school name? the school is in france,?
i am trying to write a paper for school, so i need a good name. it is in france, so it cant have american names like, washington academy,lincoln prep,etc. something creative too! i don't mind if it sounds creepy, either.
A tattooed college professor in Japan?
I am going to be finished with graduate school in about two years and wanted to apply to work at some international schools (K-12) and international universities in Japan. I know that tattoos are generally considered taboo in Japan and I am afraid that having a visible tattoo will make finding and keeping a job difficult. I already have a cherry blossom on my foot (which is not visible when I wear shoes) but I am planning on getting another tattoo on my wrist. I used to live in Japan, so I am aware of the social stigma--would this also exist at an international school/university?
Do you pray to Leonardo Da Vinci?
Saw that picture of 'Thank God I'm an atheist' which is the same one, supposedly of a white Jesus, my mother used to get me to pray to as a child. Did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci was a talented artist and also scientist who was an atheist also? He thought it would be a great laugh if he created an image of himself and copied it using chemicals we now use in photocopying, onto a cloth, then said it was an image of Jesus on a shroud. Then everyone would pray to his face as though he were Jesus! When you think about it, what colour would Jesus' skin have been, coming from Israel anyway - not quite as pale as that Jesus painting maybe? Also should we pray to Jesus anyway or just to his father - Matthew 6:9 and psalm 83:18?
1991 ford bronco radeator shroud fabercation?
hi i have a 1991 ford bronco 5.8v8 I just reblaced the Radiator and the old Radiator shroud wont fit do to aftermarket 4 core Radiator.does anybody know what other truck shroud would fit?THX
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Question about the J&J Barrel for Tippmann A5?
Well I'm looking into buying a J&J 14" barrel for my Tippmann A5 and I was just wondering something. I previously had a ak-47 barrel/shroud set up but it was obviously crap on accuracy because the barrell was cheap and just for looks. If I was to buy the J&J barrel set up is there anyway I can put a custom shroud on it. I don't necessarily mean the ak shroud but just anything else because I don't really like the plain barrel because it looks out of proportion with the stock I have. I'd appreciate the advice.
If you treated your girlfriend like a princess but cheated on her why is it a bad thing?
What if you treated both girls like princesses and showered them with love why is it still considered taboo? Being with two partners doesn't change a loving and healthy relationship. What if you enjoyed both hamburgers and steaks. Having one today and the other tomorrow doesn't change the fact that you still love them both.
Recent (2000's) Television Series ABOUT 1950's/60's?
I remember a recent television series on one of the main channels (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX) about the 1950's/60's. It was on sometime in the 2000's. It chronicled the life of a "typical" American family living during the time period. It was pretty dramatic; the family, although seemingly perfect, was shrouded in scandal (the mom got into drugs, the husband/wife always argued, the kids got into trouble, etc.). Anyways, I can't remember the name of the show and it is really bothering me! Can anyone help me out? Thank you!
What Should I do in the future? Do these plans sound ok?
Thanks for reading this. Sooo, hi. My name is Claudia and I would really like to be a DJ when I get older. I've been called a "hipster" many times and it bothers me. I'm just being myself and I do what I like. I've been wanting to be a DJ since I was four. When I was three years old, I remembered going to the mall with my family and the song playing in the store was " One More Time " by Daft Punk. That's mainly what inspired me. I love house music a lot. I play the keyboard and the cello. And some viola & violin. (Daft Punk really is what inspired me) If my music plans don't work out, I would enjoy being a model. I watch America's Next Top Model to observe how it is, and I think I can do it. I had scoliosis surgery in October of 2010, so I do not know if that will effect any chances of being a model. I doubt it will effect being a dj. If I do become a dj, how would I get music ideas? The catch of this whole is that I am just 13 years old. But I'm positive that I want to be a dj. Where can I begin with either of these fascinating jobs? If I become a DJ, my style will most likely be like Daft Punk. And also, I would love to move to France or The United Kingdom. My height is 5'2 if I become a model. :/
Why is the Yahoo answers community (you guys) mostly bashing on me for asking a q about breeding my pitbull ?
So what if she has papers? That does not prove quality. Only a championship title does that. Your dog being a Pit has nothing to do with anything. What DOES matter is that you are just another clueless pet owner with a poor quality purebred, planning to breed it to another poor quality purebred, to produce a litter of useless, junk purebred puppies for no good reason. THAT is why everyone is down on you. YOU are the problem, not your dog's breed. Leave the breeding to the professionals, please.
A doctor with a ear plug...your thoughts?
Ok well I plan on being a psychiatrist. I'm still in high school and I want to get a ear plug(pretty big one) when I turn 18. I know that is king of taboo to see a medical student with one of those but I really want one and I'm also planning on getting tattoos but I can hide that...not the ear piercing. What do you think and what are your thoughts on tattoos and piercings overall?
Need PC help? 10 points?
Is there a way of raising the temperature setting on a Dell dimension 3000. The fan racing problem is not dirt or the fan, I seen so many posts online saying that the problem is in the settings. Dell has the setting very low, that's why the cpu fan (with the green shroud) races so loud in the summer and runs so quiet in the winter. It's literally like two different machines (based on the room temp). It has a P4 2.8 chip. Any way of tweaking and correcting the settings..
How to remove a cpu fan unit? 10 points?
I don't think you should remove the fan from that area, it's the fan that keeps the unit cool. If it over heats, then it's doomsville for the entire computer.
How would u act in a very taboo family situation?
if they wantted u to know.. they would have set u down and told u. since they havent. then they dont want u to know ad want u to have normal relations. so dont pursue it any longer. and do what u want. but be careful u dont get caught up n it..
Why is pornography taboo?
To answer briefly for you, the spiritual mind is considered (by the spiritually minded) to be much more desired than the physical (base, animal) instincts and that if sexual activity is required there should be a time, a place and a limit on sexual instincts. Many people/nations wish to aim for a healthy balance and restrictions are put in place. Hope this helps.
Belief and the turin shroud question ?
Scientific analysis shows that the Shroud of Turin is a forgery. It depicts a man two inches taller in front than he is in back, its “blood” is actually the pigment red ochre, and it's carbon-dated to 1260-1390 CE (consistent with when it was first “discovered”). It's also ludicrous to think that the Shroud was kept hidden for over 1200 years until the crusaders came to the Middle East, looking for souvenirs to take home (like most tourists). Some enterprising forger likely made a bundle.
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